Builders inspire.

That’s what we do. We build things with our bare hands. We take dirt, and blood, and steel and we build schools. We tithe our sweat to service of our communities. We do not stop. We do not rest. We do not surrender to hurricanes or floods. The wind may blow down our walls, but we will stand them back up. Because when disaster strikes, we strike back, and we always build stronger walls to protect the communities we serve.

But builders have to eat. We have homes. We have lives and families and communities that we stand watch over, and we can’t do it on our own. Yes, we can build great walls individually, but we can only build great things when we work together.

Builders Pro Network is the first of its kind since the beginning of the digital age that brings together Builder talent networks and companies to work together on solutions to common problems. Whether that is affordable healthcare for our workers, or sharing trade secrets and family discounts, we lock arms and march together toward creating a better world. Because when you are part of my crew, you are part of my family, and I always protect my family.

I fell behind as we repaired cracks in other people’s walls, and my own home fell into disarray. My online presence was hacked, stolen, and held hostage. My websites were down, my email didn’t go to my phone, and all of the money I had put into what was a professional website at the time, was lost and is never coming back.

That ends today, and it ends for anyone that joins my network. That storm has passed, and we will not let it take back what we have claimed. Our stake in the ground starts here, and it starts together. Because together, nothing can breach our walls.

I’m going to make sure of that for me and my family, and we are bringing our crew with us. God help anybody that stands in our way. Because builders inspire by knocking down walls, too.


Earl Sample
President & CEO, Builder
Presidio Builders LLC
Founding Member of Builders Pro Network